Sample Student Forms
For each class, students should bring their Monthly Student Training Form. This is a checklist of all the skills to learn for that month. Individual monthly forms can be downloaded under your class section (ex. Basics or Intermediate).
Bring these forms to class and check off the skills you practiced after each class. If you train on your own at home (including reviewing the zoom training video archives) you can check off the skills.
The second page of each monthly student form is the junan taiso (body conditioning) form where you fill in your weekly training record.
You only need to fill out the skills sheet that is appropriate to your monthly learning. For example, if you are 9th kyu (yellow belt with a white stripe) you would be working on Basics level classes requirements. If this was the case, you would download the basics monthly student training checklist for that month.
Below is a sample form that shows how to fill out the sections.
We will start with dojo etiquette, the bow-in/out procedure, putting on your gi and tying your belt. Watch the short training video below by Sensei Roemke.
Warm-up Routine
Good flexibility will prevent injuries and allow muscles and connective tissues to utilize their full strength. Watch the warm up routine that we do before every class in the video below by Sensei Roemke. We recommend doing this stretching routine daily and before training at home.
Junan Taiso (body conditioning)
Real ninjas are always working to condition their bodies to become more fit. Check out the workout routine by Sensei Roemke below.